Dog Bites to Children
Long Beach Dog Bite Attorney
The Center for Disease Control reports that dogs bit over 4.7 million people each year. Children are extremely vulnerable to dog attacks and comprise over 70% of dog bite victims. They also often receive the most serious injuries from their attacks. About 20 people die every year from dog attacks and the majority of them are children.
If your child has been the victim of a vicious dog attack you need a lawyer who will work tirelessly to obtain the compensation that is warranted for your child's painful injuries A Long Beach dog bite attorney from The Law Office of Leonard Matsuk has represented many children who have been harmed in dog bite attacks. We will go after full compensation from the negligent dog owner whose dog bit your child, including monies for medical bills and the pain and suffering your child may be going through, not only for his or her physical injuries but for the emotional distress of being attacked by a dong he threw was his "friend".
Why You Should Hire an Attorney for Your Child's Dog Bite Attack
In simple economic terms, you will get more money for your child if you hire an attorney. Speaking to the insurance company without a lawyer will result in our getting about 10-20% of what would be offered to you if you are represented by counsel. Attorneys typically work on a contingency basis and will get only about 25-33% of what is awarded, so your child will actually obtain 66-75% with the help of a skilled attorney rather than being represented by the parents. Additionally, parents do not have the knowledge necessary to present the case properly, nor do they know what the proper amount is to ask for on behalf of their child. Our firm has over 30 years of experience and knows how to structure settlements and what the fair amount is to ask for that will be in the best interest of your child.
Contact a Long Beach Dog Bite Lawyer today if your child has been injured by a dog attack.